
GMD 120


Expanding The Canon

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Designer Reports: Emory Douglas

“What an amazing creative way to magnify, and illuminate the courage of 30 Sheroes whose courage, leadership and character is symbolic of the many unsung Women Sheroes of past and present.”
—Emory Douglas

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Designer Reports: Corita Kent

“Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.”
—Corita Kent


Designer Report: Raul Soria

A LOT OF people worry about whether or not they’ve chosen the right career. The whole high school and college experience can be really anxiety-inducing: Choose your path. Figure out what you’re going to be doing for the rest of your life until you breathe your last breath. It’s like choosing your class in a video game, but with more dire consequences. Yuck.

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Designer Reports: Gail Swanlund

“The ability to magnify onscreen, seemingly endlessly, to peer at the tiniest of details—even if the minutiae isn’t evident in the results—is kind of magical.”
—Gail Swanlund